Production Capabilities

Technical Support
Technical Support
  • Updated
Here you can find the list of standard production capabilities maintained by U home. Live Capabilities are available for you to use today.
Allow for the control of a lock device
capability st.lock
Name Description Type Values
lockState The state of the lock device enum
  1. Locked - The device is locked
  2. Unlocked - The device is unlocked
  3. Jammed - The device is jammed
  4. Unknown - The state of the device is unknown
Name Description
lock Lock the device
unlock Unlock the device


Perform query, add, modify, and delete operations on users associated with the lock.
capability st.lockUser
Name Description Type Values
Name Description
list Retrieve a list of all users currently on the lock, including user ID, name, user type, user status, etc.
get( id ) Query the detailed information of the designated user on the current lock
add( user ) Add a new user to the current lock
update( user ) Update the information of the specified user on the current lock
delete( id ) Delete the information of the specified user currently locked
id Lock User ID































1 {
2 name: "<user name>", //Lock User Name
3 type: 0, //0: Normal User; 2: Temporary User; 3: Admin
4 password: 123456, //A 4 to 8-digit integer
5 }
6  // If the user type you are adding is a temporary user, you must also include the following field:
7 {
8 name: "<user name>", //Lock User Name
9 type: 0, //0: Normal User; 2: Temporary User; 3: Admin
10 password: 123456, //A 4 to 8-digit integer
11 daterange: ["2024-07-01 00:00", "2024-07-01 23:59"],      
// Restrict the date range during which the user is allowed to unlock the door.
12 weeks: [0,1,2,4,5,6], // Values from 0 to 6 represent days of the week, from Sunday to Saturday.
13 timerange: ["00:00", "23:59"], // Time periods during which the user can unlock the door each day.
14 limit: 1  // The number of times the door can be unlocked; a value of 0 or the absence of this field indicates that there are no restrictions.
15 }
16  // If you need to modify an existing user, you only need to add the id field.
17 {
18 id: 23456,
19 name: "<user name>", //Lock User Name
20 type: 0, //0: Normal User; 2: Temporary User; 3: Admin
21 password: 123456, //A 4 to 8-digit integer
 22 daterange: ["2024-07-01 00:00", "2024-07-01 23:59"],// Limit the date range during which the user can unlock the door.
23 weeks: [0,1,2,4,5,6], // Values from 0 to 6 represent days of the week, from Sunday to Saturday.
24 timerange: ["00:00", "23:59"], // Time slots during which the user can unlock the door each day.
25 limit: 1 // The number of times the door can be unlocked; a value of 0 or the absence of this field indicates no restrictions.
26 }



Battery-powered devices can provide battery level information.
capability st.BatteryLevel    
Name Description Type Values
level An indication of the status of the battery integer[1...5]  



capability st.DoorSensor
Name Description Type Values
sensorState An indication of the status of the battery enum

Closed - The door is closed Open - The door is open

Unknown = The current state of the door is unknown



capability st.Switch
Name Description Type Values
switch A string representation of whether the switch is on or off enum
  1. on - The value of the ``switch`` attribute if the switch is on
  2. off - The value of the ``switch`` attribute if the switch is off
  3. Unknown - The state of the device is unknown
Name Description
off Turn the switch off
on Turn the switch on



capability st.Switch
Name Description Type Values
level A number that represents the current level, usually ``1-100`` in percent integer[0-100]  
Name Description
setLevel( lev el ) Set the level to the given value. If the device supports being turned on and off then it will be turned on if ``level`` is greater than 0 and turned off if ``level`` is equal to 0.
Name Description Type
level The level value, usually 0-100 int percent integer [0..100]







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